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Объявления / Групповой секс, свингеры, пары / Tantra Couple


We are a married couple, we are masters of Tantric sex. Our service is available for Couples, Women and Men. Book a magical date with us and you will experience - the Hottest sensual sex, relaxing Tantric Massage in 4 hands, the most Powerful and Incredible Orgasms in your life. We own the secret techniques of tantra and kamasutra, we Feel - where your sweetest places and sharp erogenous zones of maximum arousal are located, we will take you to the top of the most incredible pleasure in your life. Come for a new adventure, visit us, in our luxurious house in Jurmala or invite us to visit you, in your home or in a hotel) We will give you an endless ocean of Pleasure. We will plunge you into the world of Sensuality and Hot pleasures. You will be able to feel the most incredible facets of arousal. After contact with us, your body will work differently, all physical and mental blocks will come out of you, you will unlock your true sexuality.


Tantra Couple
Rīga, Centrs

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INKY899281 на номер: 1881 (LMT, TELE2, BITE).
Цена услуги: 14.23 EUR ( EUR)


Чтобы заказать статус SUPER для объявления, отправьте SMS с текстом:
INKC899281 на номер: 1881 (LMT, TELE2, BITE).
Цена услуги: 11.10 EUR
Цена услуги клиентам TELE2 ZZ: 13.80 EUR.

Срок действия: 18.12.2024 - 17.01.2025 01:33:44
Количество просмоторов: 1741

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